14. WordPress

Your work journal should be set up as a WordPress site at sites.umassd.edu and your URL should be of the form


where, of course “YourName” is your name.

You will write your weekly work journal entries as posts (and not as pages).

Below we detail how to setup, navigate and write posts in a WordPress website.

 1. Go to sites.umassd.edu and click on “Create a site”.

2. You will be asked to log in. Use your UMass Dartmouth email to log in.

3. When you are logged in and have clicked “Create a site” you will be taken to a page where you will see “Site Domain (subdomain only):

3(a) In the space provided enter “YourNamemth522”, where – of course – “YourName” is your name. Your site’s URL will then be “YourNamemth522.sites.umassd.edu”

3(b) In the space below “Site Title:” enter a title for your site. This can be anything (but must be something!) – for example “YourName’s Statistics Site”.

3(c) Click on “Create Site” to create your WordPress site.

4. You will be asked again to log in. After logging in you will see a live WordPress page. To the top right you will se a “Howdy, YourName”. To the top left you will see “My Sites” – put your cursor on “My Sites” (but do not click). You will see your site name – run your curser down on it and a little popup will appear with “Dashboard”. Click on “Dashboard”.

5. When you see your WordPress dashboard run your cursor down to “Appearance” and choose “Themes”. You will see a variety of themes for your site that you can preview and then activate. 

6. Go back to “Dashboard” and run your cursor to “Pages”. Click “All pages”. You will see a “Sample page”. Click on it, remove all the text, and change the title from “Sample page” to “Home”. Click on “Update” in the blue box, down to the right.

7. On the Dashboard, run your cursor down to “Settings” and choose “Reading”. Activate the following: 

and click “Save changes” in the blue box down to the left.

8. On Dashboard -> Posts ->All posts you will see a post “Hello World”.  Edit it – change the title and the text however you want, and Update the post.

9. Go to your Website URL to see your latest post.

10. To add a new post, go to Posts -> Add New Post, give your post a title and add text. Save your post using Update.

11. To post a PDF, or to insert a PDF into a post, first upload the PDF by going to Media -> Add New Media File. In your new post, click on “Add Media” toward the top right and choose ypour PDF from the media file. Update to save your post with an embedded PDF.